Strengthening Families


Strengthening Families helps you get the best support for your family/ whānau to thrive.All the people and agencies who could help your family are brought together. Together you discuss your family’s needs and agree on what everyone is going to do. Strengthening Families is available for any whānau/ family in New Zealand when more than one community support organisation or government service is or could be required. It is free and 100% voluntary.Strengthening Families pulls together support for families/ whänau in New Zealand. The people helping your family may be a budget advisor, truancy officer, social worker, medical specialist, counsellor, teacher or other support worker.


Before the first meeting a lot of homework is done. The family/ whānau takes stock of strengths, issues and priorities. What is covered, who participates and the timing and venue are all agreed to by the family/ whānau. Then all the agencies involved with a family are invited to attend. Typically the first meeting will cover: Welcome and introductions Brainstorming any issues and family/ whānau goals Creating a plan – deciding what each agency and the family will contribute, then record this in a plan Setting a review time.


Primary Contact

Ruth Dudley

Strengthening Families Coordinator

06 968 8532

Alternative Contact

John Parry

06 968 8536

Physical Address View Map

PO Box 4220

186a Tukapa St


New Plymouth


Postal Address

PO Box 4220


New Plymouth


Social Media